Missile silos are a bulky seeking weapon launch system designed by the Klingons to allow a Frax warship to launch a wide variety of weapons ranging from the Type-IV drone to Type-H drones to numerous weapons adapted from the Qari SCUD.  While no such system was really feasible, these simulator weapons gave Klingon engineers an opportunity to experiment and push the limits of tactical training in the DSF



(FDG.11) TYPE: Missile silos operate as drone racks, similar to the Type-D magazine-fed rack.  They are marked on the SSD as “SILOS”.


(FDG1.12) RELOADS: There are no spare or reload weapons carried for weapons in the Missile Silos. Missile silos are reloaded using the same methods as missile racks (FD52.13). 


(FDG1.13) TECHNOLOGY: Missile silos are simulator technology and cannot be used outside of the simulator.


(FDG1.14) REPAIR: Each missile silo is repaired for three damage points.  They cannot be hastily repaired,



(FDG1.21) BASIC: Missile silos are grouped in clusters of four.  Each cluster of four may launch a weapon from one silo per turn, no two clusters may launch weapons on the same impulse, and a given cluster may not launch weapons from two silos within eight impulses of each other.


(FDG1.22) CLOAKED SHIPS (i.e. Frax Submarines) can launch ballistic weapons or weapons equipped with ATG from Missile Silos while cloaked.  All Frax subs have ATG for all of their drones at no cost, see (R51.N1) 



(FDG1.31) BASIC: Each missile silo comes equipped with a Type-IV slow drone (equipped with ATG on subs at no cost).  These may be upgraded using normal drone construction rules (otherwise obeying Klingon Drone percentages). These may be replaced with Type-V drones in appropriate years.  X-ships equipped with missile silos carry Type-VIII drones (included in BPV).


(FDG1.32) HEAVY DRONES: The Type-IV slow drone in each silo can be replaced with a Type-H1 slow drone (FD21.0) for the cost listed in (FD21.2), minus two BPV (rebate for the exchanged Type-IV).  These Type-H drones are equipped with ATG for no cost if on a sub and may be further modified according to (FD.21).


(FDG1.33) SCUDS: The Type-IV slow drone in each silo can be replaced with a SCUD Missile (FD54.0) for the cost listed in (FD54.12), plus two BPV.  These weapons function in always according to (FD54.0) except they have no reloads as in (FD54.25), the launching unit does not require active fire control as described in (FD54.261) if it is a cloaked Frax sub, and the destruction of a silo loaded with a SCUD will result in the destruction of all four silos in the effected cluster (FDG1.21) rather than the effects listed in (FD54.151).  These weapons can be launched ballistically by a cloaked Frax sub.   


(FDG1.34) SCALEBOARDS: SCUDS purchased for missile silos by (FDG1.33) may be equipped with the SCALEBOARD modification for the additional costs listed in (FD54.4).  Any such SCALEBOARDS purchased for a Frax sub will include ATG at no cost and may be launched while cloaked, see (FDG1.22).


(FDG1.35) OTHER SCUD DERIVATIVES: Missile racks may be equipped with the any of the SCUD derivatives listed below in (FDG2.0).  Ships purchasing these weapons should pay the costs listed in (FDG2.0), plus two BPV for replacing the Type-IV slow drone with a SCUD, as in (FDG1.33).




The Klingons copied the Qari SCUD weapon used in Federation simulators in a clandestine download of some Federation memory core (most likely from a captured ship) and adapted it for use with the Frax Missile Silo (FDG1.0).  However, the high cost and volatility of the SCUD led the Klingon engineers to develop some other weapons based on the original design.  The Federation eventually obtained captured copies of these simulator weapon files and made them available for use with the Qari as well.


(FDG2.1) STYX MISSILE: This weapon operates exactly like (and may be modified like) the SCUD (FD54.0) with the following exceptions:

(FDG2.11) IMPROVEMENTS: The cost of the speed improvements listed in (FD54.12) are divided by two (resulting in 0,4,8 BPV respectively).

(FDG2.12) DESTRUCTION: The unmodified STYX is destroyed when it accumulates 12 points of damage, rather than 24 in the case of the SCUD (FD54.13).

(FDG2.13) WARHEAD: The nominal warhead on a STYX produces 48 points of damage, rather than 96 in the case of the SCUD (FD54.21).

(FDG2.14) LAUNCHER: If a loaded SCUD launcher is destroyed while holding a STYX, (FD54.151) is ignored.  If a STYX is loaded in a Missile Silo, the destruction of that silo will not damage other silos in that cluster (as a SCUD would according to (FDG1.33)).

(FDG2.15) RATE: No unit may launch two STYX within eight impulses of each other.  This is only a partial exception to (FD54.263).  A unit that launches a SCUD may not subsequently launch a STYX for 16 impulses, but a unit that launches a STYX may launch a SCUD only eight impulses later.

(FDG2.16) RELOADS: STYX missiles can be reloaded in two turns rather than three (as in (FD54.25)).


(FDG2.2) SHIPWRECK MISSILE: This weapon is a STYX missile equipped with a drone control package similar to the SCALEBOARD (FD54.4) but it only reduces the warhead size of the STYX by 12 points.


(FDG2.3) SANDBOX MISSILE: The SANDBOX is SCUD modified to carry an area-effect fusion warhead.  It functions exactly like a SCUD (FD54.0) with the following exceptions:

(FDG2.31) COST: It costs an additional four BPV to modify a SCUD to carry a SANDBOX warhead, in addition to the cost listed in (FD54.12)

(FDG2.32) BALLISTIC ONLY: The SANDBOX cannot use the SCALEBOARD (FD54.4) modification.

(FDG2.33) TARGET: The SANDBOX can only be targeted on a single hex.  It will move on a direct, ballistic path to that hex after launch and detonate as described in (FDG2.34).

(FDG2.34) DETONATION: When the SANDBOX arrives in the target hex, it immediately detonates in the seeking weapon step.  Divide the SCUD warhead strength (FD54.21) after any other SCUD modifications by two.   Score this amount of damage to any units in the target hex from a randomly determined direction.   This damage may be reduced by ECM (including (FD54.211) which remains in effect).  Divide the SCUD warhead strength (FD54.21) after any other SCUD modifications by four and score that amount on any units at range one from the target hex, from the direction of the target hex. This damage may be reduced by ECM (including (FD54.211) which remains in effect).   

(FDG2.35) RESOLUTION: Any damage from the SANDBOX is resolved after any other seeking weapon impacts in the effected seven hex area that occurred on that impulse, as a separate volley.  If the SANDBOX is destroyed by seeking weapon impacts on that impulse, the damage from the SANDBOX warhead is not resolved (it is lost).


Last updated: 30 May 2003